he is played by gary cooper in the movie. "atlas shrugged" and the other hand published in 1957 isn't highly focused on her ideal of no regulation, no controls, no government, heroes are ostentatiously rich. rand always favored radical capitalism but her practical knowledge of economics and industry was lacking. of missing ingredient she found after she wrote "the fountainhead". its name was alan greenspan. alan greenspan was turmoil acolyte since the early 1950s and member of her inner circle and serve what today would be called a writer's group, reading rand -- "atlas shrugged" and acting as a sounding board for ideas. as the collective disintegrated over the years shredded by defections he never abandoned her and never doubted her even as others did not matter how erratic her behavior. during the 1916s and 70s ayn rand was shunned by mainstream intellectuals and academia. reputation wasn't bad, it was toxic. in 1972, william o'neill, philosophy professor in southern california and author of one of the few serious rand crit