. >> chair, supervisors, my name is gary cremein and for identification purposes i'm the elected care of the santa clara water district. we responsible for watershed, flood control and providing water for the .8 millions residents of santa clara county and. >> >> wholesaler for the water but at the same time i'm a founder of several middle size employers of san francisco. many of our employees complain of how crowded and impacted our recreational resources are in san francisco. i think you're all familiar with it so i am here to support collaborative process to kind of balance some of the environmental stewardship issues, giving full support for ceqa issues and other issues that we will have clearly and access for people. we did a pretty good job in santa clara county. a lot of what we're talking about is existing fire road and opening up a couple of gates and i will cede my time to others. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> i'm a fifth generation san franciscan and member of open san francisco watershed and the peninsula watershed open space coalition. as we talked about how dense