. >> sergeant gary elde, a 20-year veteran of the facility, knows bright very well. >> i've known him for about 16, 17 years. from dealing with him when he first came to the facility. at this point in time he is one of our extreme management problems. >> this is me when i was 20 years old. i don't have my photo album now because i'm being punished for being defiant. i'm being treated like this for fighting. fist fighting. >> who are you fighting? >> bullies. troublemakers. predators. dudes that go and pick on everybody else. i don't go say, hey, i'm looking for somebody to get in a fight with. this guy looks like a good candidate. >> but he doesn't play well with others. and so he's -- stays here. >> i've been in a fight in bravo mod. i've been in a fight in charlie mod. i've been in a fight in delta mod. i've been in a fight on the rec yard. >> it very seldom has anything to do with staff but it's other prisoners. >> you know how it is in prison, a guy talks smack, you've got to hit him. >> got in a fight with a prisoner, bit his finger off. >> i didn't get his eye ball. technical di