you kind of wonder if gary gilmore had it better. that's an older reference. sapphiring squad, whether that's not more humane. >> it does make us reflect on the constitution that says no crucial or unusual punishment. that's something that changes over time. the definition of what's cruel and unusual changes. this will start a conversation again because clearly lethal injection when the drug companies are not going to supply the drug. you don't know where the drugs are coming from. >> by the way, that's important, walter. that's what's causing these problems. the drug companies are now refusing to supply the drugs. and it is causing people to -- >> so you have a group of legislators or a governor who is hell-bent to get something done like that, and then this happens, it's also a conscious center saying this is more complicates. >> we also have to note that just yesterday or two days ago maybe, a study came out that it's likely that 1 out of every 25 people executed by death penalty are probably innocent. so we're actually executing innocent people. this is a