one such execution made headlines when convicted murderer gary gilmore was put to death in 1977. >> he'll be strapped to the chair. at that point, a medical personnel will place an "x" over the inmate's chest. a hood will be placed on him. this chair does not have a back, for obvious reasons. it is bolted so that it will not tip over. >> a two-inch thick kevlar panel is bolted to the wall to absorb the rounds. five law enforcement officers from around the area in which the crime was committed are assigned to fire simultaneously. one of the rifles is loaded with dummy rounds, leaving each potential executioner with a hint of doubt as to his ultimate responsibility in the process. >> once he is given his last words and he's been given okay to proceed with the execution, a cadence will be given and shots will be fired. >> i chose to be executed by firing squad because the only other option here is lethal injection. that's what they do to dogs. and i don't want them -- i'd rather sit up and take it and have them look at who they're killing. if they was going to execute me tomorrow, i'd be ner