. >> wendy: joining us now is cbn chief national correspondent, gary lane. the u.s.s sending warships into the region. c2is sounds serioio? >> just in case this get c2t of han a loloof this is blustering, wendy. >> wendy: what role does north korea play? >> china has had north korea as a proxy state, and china wants to dominate this region the western asianpathic. the asian pacific. they would like to control the oil and the entire region, and they would like to see the u.s. out of there. if things are brought down to the brink of war, and china could step in and bring us back from that brink of war it would enhance their stature. >> wendy: we know north korea is a big persecutor of christians. they're number one on the list now. how many christians are there in north korea, and what does the possibility of war mean to them? >> at least 100,000 christians, and some estimates are 400,000. there is probably between 100,000 to 200,000, but no one knows for certain because the christians are in a lot of danger. they meet privately, two, three people in a house church bec