i would like to recognize the district attorney of nasessa and gary leeberson. is he here? hi gary and the other district attorney. if we can get a microphone and since we have the experts here. what are you most proud of in san that -- mateo and i know there is a program there and what you're most proud of in your community that addresses these issues? >> hi everybody. >> sorry to surprise you. >> no worries. we're meant to think on our feet. the collaboration that we have in our community. we have been sitting around the table as community leaders throughout our criminal justice system for a number of years, long before realignment happened with the schools and law enforcement, with probation, our office, with public centers office and looking a sulsystem's approach and not just punitive base but there are going to be consequences as nancy said for very extreme acts but everything ultimately is local. i mean with limited exceptions of people that need lifelong time outs or much longer than everybody else, but by in large everything is local and i think that we really put a