gary mccord described it as about the width of a school bus. nick: yeah, there's the strategy from up above. it's all about the angle of the green. these guys are going to go for it. if they can just get it up, anything left of the green. >> nick, i can tell you that from when i went through here during regulation play, the wind has shifted again. it's more right to left now and not nearly so much into them as it was. >> well, here's the deal. we've got 312 yards. no birdies made by anybody laying up today. so you know they're going to hit a driver or get something down there as far as they can, pin-high or past the groan so -- green. phil's got a 3-wood. going to try to get to the left of the green. this is where all the fun starts. >> gary, the thing here is a 4 might actually win this. >> no, there's no way a 4 wins this. >> i'm telling you. >> no, no, no. >> it's the sort of hole that it could happen. >> it could, but no, no, no. 312. >> you're right. 5 might do it. >> phil's getting ready to hit this big old swing with a hook. he hit it ha