and gary mendell is the c.e.o. of shatterproof-- it's a non- profit group he founded to help families cope with the addiction of a loved one. gary lost his own son brian in 2011 and he attended the white house signing ceremony lemen, thank you both very much for being here. >> sure. gary mendell, first off, weto trieescribe that there are many, many elements in this igislation. whit you most like about this? >> to really reverse the course of this epidemic there are four big things -- it's cotaining it, so no more will our loved ones become addicted to opioids unnecessarily. wtwo with, for tho are already addicted, let's treat them with protocols based on science. number three, it's a chronices il people will relapse and for those we need medication to rescue them at the time of relapse so they don't die and live. underlying it all is to change the waour ente society thinks about this disease. this is a chronic illness, it'se nople with bad will power, it's a change of brain chemistry and we need treat it w