gary merson. >> not only did my daughter graduate from emerson with an mfa but it was an mf nashgs poetry john. so thank you. wait till i attack your family. >> she's the exception. she's a great girl very smart. >> second of all, i don't see there's any difference between getting a degree in comedy or dance or music. i'd rather have more comedians out there than some other professions. third, i think colleges should be allowed to do what they want to attract and keep talent. the bugaboo in all this is that it gets so much government funding. if they were allowed to stand more on their own, let them do what they want. >> we have to move on quickly. ashley? >> i think it's -- comedy is the least of our worries. half the courses being taught in colleges, and the daily collar puts out the most ridiculous and that is a laugh. that's where we should be focusing our time here. it doesn't matter what you major in. if you're not prepared out of college for the real world and can't tackle a down economy and get a job, that's the real issue. >> okay. jonas, i'm sorry. you have 20 seconds. >> i did