matt: cyber security expert gary miliefsky tells us once someone has your name and social security number, they can pretend to be you, and get credit in your name. but breach victims can take action. gary says start by going to the social security website and opening an account. >> if you don' t open your account now, one day one of the hackers will and they will and they can take advantange of your social security, medicaid, medicare. in addition contact all of the three credit brueaus, experian, trans union and equifax and get a credit freeze and tell them you have been a victim of fraud. matt: it is also important to know that you see officials say medical records and credit card records were not at all a part of this breach. along with a hotline, they have set up a website for information on on both of those, go to matt lupoli, wesh 2 news. a man already in jail in orlando, is now charged with the rape of an ohio state student that happened nearly five years ago. police say 33-year-old travis niemi broke into the 22-year-old' s apartment, beat her up, and then raped her. tha