and as i acknowledge leaders who are here tim, a know that willie brown and gary newson would be proudi know it's been a catalyst to bring this together whether it's about enabling this to go forward or tax policy or enabling on construction and attracting other businesses here. ed lee, thank you for your leadership, mayor lee. as i acknowledge the dignity reese who are here, i want to thank our president break barack obama. he's helped with many other projects in the city. i hope he can visit soon so he can see the fruit of the american recovery and reinvestment act. when we arrived maria was telling us that one of the, there was evidence when the construction began as ships arriving in san francisco at the time of the gold rush. at that time, people came here, rushed here with their hopes and aspirations and their dreams to make a better life. that tradition is continued today as we go forward with this project. it is in the tradition of san francisco to be about what is new, to be about innovation, to be about commerce, to be about jobs for families in our city. in that regard, as t