[applause] senator gary peterson is in the house. [applause] congresswoman debbie mitchell is here. [applause] your outstanding ceo mark fields is here. [applause] now i have to say i love secret service. i love the piece they put me in. that is what i call the cars they drive me in the beast beasts. i like my rides these days and it was made in michigan too. but i just had a chance to look at these new mustangs and i've got to say a mustangs have a little more style. a little more flavor. bill ford is in the house. [applause] surprisingly enough we talked a little bit about -- now listen i'm a bears fan. you have beaten us twice but even a bears fan has to admit that was a little suspect. [applause] i have never seen anything like that before. i would have been prettier attainted. were you irritated? all i can say because i'm used to sing this to bears fans there is always next year. and look you have got a lot to be hopeful for. first of all you have one of the best defenses in the league. fine young quarterback megatron and if there's one thing you can say to the bank when talkin