if you have no business around here, get out, that's the advice this 63-year-old gary rogers from louisianagave his fellow residents just hours before hurricane ida hit his town. rodgers said, he expects the storm to be the worst one yet to hit the parish. and he was probably right. i had a hit homo with sustained winds of 150 miles per hour, leaving a terrible path of damage in the area. despite a mandatory evacuation order in, place rogers went against his own advice and stayed home. he's riding out the storm on his 47 football, and he's joining us now live from louisiana. mr. rogers thank you for joining, us first the obvious question, how are you? >> fine, much better than we were today. tell us about the storm and tell us, did it hit is hard you had anticipated it might? >> i didn't think it was going to be this bed, i don't even know what to call it, it was a monster. it's absolute detached devastation in south louisiana. >> have you been able to see? much would've been able to see? how can you assess the damage? >> the wind is still kind of low in about 30, but from what i'm seeing,