joining us are retired lieutenant colonel gary solis. he had a 26 year career in the marine corps, served two tours in vietnam and became a military lawyer and judge. he's now on the faculty at both george washington and georgetown university law schools. and retired lieutenant colonel geoffrey corn. he had a 22 year career in the army where he served as a lawyer. he's now a professor at south texas college of law in houston. we welcome you both to the "newshour". can you first, col. corn, we want to talk about both sides in the conflict. let's start with hamas. what is it you believe hamas is doing that violates international law? >> well, i think the two most obvious examples are the deliberate attack on civilian population centers with apparently no effort to target specific military targets in israel, just firing missiles in the direction of israeli population centers is a clear violation of the law and the other is locating the vital military assets within the midst of the civilian population in an apparent attempt to make it more d