paul: so he's renting instead but for disabled vietnam vet gary wiltermood, even renting is next to impossible. he's lived in a house at the edge of a trailer parkor 15 years and the owners want him out. >> they've tried every maneuver to get me out of there. they can put in like four or five apartment places in the property that i'm on. paul: but other boise rentals are out of reach. >> i'm pced out of the market. i can't find a place. i'm so desperate, i don't know what to do. paul: as wiltermood's lawyer, brian stevens puts it. >> if you're low income person, it's a hard time to be in boise. paul: there are signs of cooling off in recent weeks. inventory is up and developers are scrambling to build more but as always happens while cities grow, neighborhoods gentrify, there will be heart rending losers like gary wiltermood. >> there's a statement, some gave all, some still give, on my vietnam sticker. well, i gave my life for this country and this is how i end up. paul: brian canke hopes boise real estate prices return to earth. are you rooting for the californians and the seattle folks to s