. >> gary wolf is the founder of the movement, he coins the term a decade ago as an editor.re's tens of millions of people today that are tracking where they are going, their metabolism, their medicine, they symptoms, there movements there will be hundreds of millions in a blink of an eye, and they will be tracking a far bigger range than we can imagine. >> we stand on scales to get our weight. we have been tracking ourselves for a long time. >> i do think that what ice going on, in the world of the quantifies self, is based on some fundamental human practices and desires and needs to take stock. self-observation with new tools. >> many of the devices q.s.ers use allow them to share their personal data with others. that can enginedder a sense of community, and even support from like minded strangers but some say this can inhibit people from living in and enjoying the moment. >> it yours sources our memory, if we have the gadgets, the pictures the numbers we are apt to pay less attention to the world. >> you have to start to wonder whether this obsession with seeking data bec