and our friday market monitor guest is elaine garzarelli, president of garzarelli capital. with all of the budget battles in washington, it's easy to get gloomy about america's economic prospects. "easy", but "wrong" says tonight's commentator. here's martin dickson, u.s. managing editor of the financial times. >> months of fiscal uncertainty, and the threat of recession, have hardly helped business confidence. and the sluggish u.s. growth rate, of around 2%, is far from stellar. demand is simply not strong enough to awaken industry's animal spirits but stand back from the fiscal crisis and a more positive picture emerges: at least america is growing, unlike europe, which has been far slower to put its financial house in order. and the reforms to the us financial system, and a gradually healing housing market, are helping lay the groundwork for a sustained recovery. so too are some big changes to the industrial landscape: irst, impoant sectors, notably autos, have been forced to become far more competitive. second, labor costs have shrunk to the point where they make americ