gasawara could not answer the phone, by the way, about the statement about the disappearance of the gentlemanhere were no reports, the japanese, the people, are generally secretive. this is not the first case of a missing businessman, not of slavic nationality. and perhaps these episodes are connected, there is an assumption that an organized group works in the subway. so your task is to go through the flooded tunnels and check the territory for the detection of unauthorized persons and objects . you will work in those tunnels where ordinary special forces will not pass. get a card on the spot underground utilities, collect the unit in an hour, perform. dear mr. aghasawara, of course, has been significantly complicated in the conduct of business, however, law enforcement agencies should not interfere, and a peephole will only hurt us the question of how long we can keep this a secret if information leaks to the media that mr. agasawara has disappeared quotes, shares, concern, fall, allow, this is impossible, it is necessary to find the president of the security service as soon as possible, th