the government accounting standards or the gasb, policy for public pension funds, sets -sets -- or theyublic pension funds and allows -- discount liebles by using the expected rate of future investment returns. this is unlike private plans, and their peers in other countries which cannot use these expected rates of future returns or what some are called imaginary numbers, especially when the pension funds are underfunded. a first rule in investing is knowing that riskier investments have a higher potential to make or lose large amounts of money. this includes loss of principal, safer low risk investments seldom lose principal. a second rule of investment is that the higher the risk factor for the -- the more volatile the fund becomes. a third rule of investments is that the older the beneficiaries, that means the more retirees, as opposed to$ jp active giving or donating people or contributing people, the less risky the funds investments should be to preserve the principal. these are not complicated rules of investments, and the jury was able to find numerous industry experts and resear