if the chief gascoigne agrees with us, he can impose discipline for up to 10 days of suspension. beyond that, termination is within the purview of the police commission. it would then move to this body to adjudicate. we also have a wonderful program which is a mediation program. last year, we facilitated 76 mediations. it allows complainants to resolve an issue with an accused officer in person, in a dispute-resolution of passion. the goal is to bring the parties together in an effort to achieve mutual understanding. through partnerships with community boards, the san francisco bar association, we provide neutral mediator for the program. our mediations can and have been conducted in languages other than english. participation and mediation is strictly voluntary for the complaint and an officer. they have to agree for it to go forward. eligible officer participation in the program is over 90% and we really appreciate the cooperation of the police association in this program. in 2009, we received 1019 complaints. of these, we sustained about 7% of the cases. so far this year, we h