low income students and el students and foster youth to be spending additional money on security gashdz. guards. that's one particular thing i had concern on. again, thank you and those are my comments. >> let me start my comments with acknowledgments. this really was a massive community engagement process and i want to thank the district advisory group's offices and programs, in particular the parent advisory counsel, the district english lerner advisory council, the office of equity, family and youth in transition and to foster youth services, but also the outreach of community organizations and we're talking about 400 participants and 29 community conversations. i want to read into the record our community partners. mission graduates, parents for public schools, san francisco, second district tta, support for parents and children with disabilities. and secondly i think it's important we acknowledge our labor partners. this is the third time i've asked that they be included in this document. you nieted sfra tors and sdiu because i think these groups really helped us with input. i thin