rynska commented on the news of the death of the former head of gasprom media mikhail lesin, this isites: we met the news about lesin’s death with our... best friend in a fish restaurant elkopa. they brought us a huge halibut and langoustines. i’m just like chekhov’s merchant, who looked out the window at the funeral procession and said with satisfaction: “you’re dead, they’re taking you to the cemetery, and now i’ll go have lunch.” she wrote this on her facebook page: how much compassion can you have? claim a person who relates to life in this way to death, here is an example right away in the same interview 10 minutes later, and that i will not go to trial, i will hang myself, i screamed, first just bequeath something to me, please, and then hang yourself, otherwise i'm i’m left without everything for you, then, as it were , when i said that i would turn his life into such hell that hanging would seem like heaven to him, then he said, i give my word of honor that i won’t hang myself, i’ll go to trial. the ussr was an evil empire, and it was true, the ussr was an evil empire. so, pu