gaston glock was flown over, it was an extraordinary marketing opportunity for glock. the ceramic part of the story is a whole different myth that was derived from glock's debut as a villain's gun in the movie "diehard 2." in "die hard 2," bruce willis who plays a detective in the movie is involved in -- it's almost hard to describe in straightforward or language. they're defending an airport against terrorists who are going to crash planes, and the terrorists are also in the airport, and at one point bruce willis shout toss another -- shouts to another cop, he just pulled a german glock on me. every single fact in that speech was wrong. [laughter] the gun was not made in germany, it was made in austria. there was no model called the glock 7, ceramic was not involved in constructing the clock in, and you can see it on airport detection screens. otherwise it was perfect. [laughter] this speech, like "the new york post" headline and so many others similar end pose, was pure gold for glock. gun officionados had a complete field day making fun of this speech. t-shirts were