have the top personnel official at the department of defense to fill secretary's dietz -- secretary gatess and the hon. j. johnson, a general counsel of the department of defense. welcome to each of you and i want to thank you for being here. we recognize the difficulty of your presence here today and that you really have not had a chance to embark on this study but it is important and i think it will be helpful for us to hear from you but also for you to hear the views of the members of the subcommittee. >> i jr. and welcoming witnesses, all three of whom are appearing before us for the first time. unlike most hearings, when we receive testimony from tax -- task forces at the completion, we will have the opportunity to examine and assess the scope of the work of a study group just beginning. this also gives us the opportunity to shape the group's work ethic. we have heard clearly from the senior leadership at the department of defense in each of the services of the importance of the study and the necessity of doing nothing to repeal change or suspend current law until the study completes