were gatherehere togethea pleasure to her more gathered in his name exalting hig use their in the midstght now are exalting tde rd verse foursome omy feeders but all of my fears n't ever forget that when times g hard and rough in inner christ is here on earth anb we are being oppressed by the wle @ world you will the lord ll heayou he wl delive yofrom all your fears there's no reason to d's promiseb he will keep his e on h anoighis elect at if you're servi and loving him and a memr of that anointed oup is eltion verse five hamed yocan think as confed if you stk with d's word and you follow hi instructions you won't be con#usedither second timothy 215 study to show thyself approved workmen thaneed not be ashamed rigly dividing the word of god theyere lightened i likehis it means they had a heavy burden or load the burden was like y kn god will do tt for you there is no real trouble when god isn youride asesus would teach in the new testament weearn if we want tookoursels to jus christ that are load will be ght and why beuse he is aring r load with those n't ever forget if you're waing ar