you could have crippled that poor woman at gatwick. oh, i did shout, "look out, lady, i can't stop." so how early are we, mommy? well, let's ask daddy, shall we? exactly how early are we, daddy? well, we're a bit early. but how early? nice and early. daddy likes to allow plenty of time. that's right, in case there's bad traffic. bad traffic on a small island on a sunday in a catholic country? ( grunts ) look at those policemen. they've got guns. that is so cool. there is nothing cool about guns, ben. they are horrible things. they kill people. that's why they're cool. young people make a lot of gun crime. it's a tragedy in our inner city. what? the man on telly said that-- the one with the desk. ( attempting welsh accent ) the one that speaks like that. fiona bruce. kids, you stay with granddad for a sec. it won't be long. have you ever fired a gun, granddad? oh, yeah, in korea. have you ever seen anybody get shot? oh, yeah. what, in korea? no, in a pub in aldershot. do you think it's safe to let your dad go back to his own house next