and of course should you be a victim of gaucher's disease, you would be very happy about that. let's take another example. these are sweet potatoes that have been modified to resist a number of viral infections common in south africa. so at a place where otherwise you might not be able to grow these sweet potatoes, the local population might not be able to benefit from the nutrition in these sweet potatoes, they can do so. these are just some examples of some of the benefits that have come from some forms of genetic modification of plants. but just as there is science showing these benefits, there is also science showing concerns. and i'm going to start by explaining that the largest modification in america, the largest deployed modification is to make plants such as corn and soybean and sugar beets resistant to an herbicide called glyphosate. now, the use of gly p. hosate has increased dramatically over the last two decades. in 1994, we were talking about 7.4 million pounds, not very much, but by 2012, we're talking about and rounding off 160 million pounds of this herbicide b