done all the official biographies of winston churchill, and they've recently done a biography of de gaulleknowing they were a scientific publisher and were now doing trade books, it seemed ideal for me. so i contacted them without mentioning my relative at all -- it was no influence at all in this -- and they were interested. c-span: is it an american company? >> guest: oh, yes. yes, and i think it's from the 19th century. c-span: and then you have your dedication. and who are these folks? >> guest: my wife, martine, who came to every archive. we worked together. every word of the book, she went over and often criticized, and i rewrote frequently from her point of view. danielle, my daughter who lives in leesburg and works in washington, dc. she's the president of pogo, the project on government oversight it's a watchdog group that investigates fraud and abuse in government and in big corporations. my grandson and my granddaughter, alex and emma. c-span: and where are they? >> guest: my daughter and my grandchildren live in leesburg. my wife is in an adjoining room. c-span: where did you m