. >> gaupham nagesh of ceq, anything to add to that? >> sure, there is a draft of the order out there. there is steadily discussion of what it would look like. it is not dissimilar to the final version of the senate bill, which was essentially voluntary public-private councils that would be implemented as standard and as best practices. and what standards could be implemented during question because this is not legislation. it would be an executive program and the authorities are more limited. the real question is whether the industry would go along. some wood. -- would. there are some that would be open to this, especially if there is some fourth information open about cyber security threats. the implementation of these best practices would engender some kind of liability, potentially for them, particularly with regard to their client. that has always been the robotic comes to cyber security legislation. there are no rules now. the ones to implement rules, people are accountable for following them. suits,alking about civil contracts, t