gavia? scott baker from breitbart t.v. is the gentleman who originally sent me these clips. how are you, scott? >> i'm doing good, glenn. you're right. this is complicated stuff, but the deeper you go, the bigger the audience. can't figure that out. glenn: i think people -- unless you're in washington, people sense there's something to that. they can see this tree start to go. help me out on who this guy is. i'm not even claiming this is a bad guy or anything. who is he? >> well, when i came across these clips, the ones you played in the first segment, i sent them off to you right away, because when you hear words like stealthy agenda, that sort of gets my attention. i'm ready to say, well, let's de stealth-phi this if we can. he is not a guy who works in the white house, but he is not just a guy, either. there are connections between deepak and his center for community change, and obama and organizations that they have all worked with for a long time. glenn: ok. what are they? >> it goes back. you mentioned that he worked for acorn for ten years. he was at harvard at the sa