schools, and in each region they are developing their own the menu at the school in the village of gavrilovka, tambov region, breakfast for 322 children begins to cook according to the vars from 6:00 in the morning, help them, as in the krasnodar school , new equipment, a combi steamer and a convection oven. we have 10 days, a minimum of variety every day. we have different fruits. we have fresh vegetables today. the menu includes pea soup, mashed potatoes with vegetables, steamed cabbage rolls and dried fruit compote, by the way, the students also participated in the development of the menu, so they eat all the dishes with appetite and leave the table only with empty plates. i love pea soup very much, and at home my mother has no time to cook after the introduction of free hot meals, parents of elementary school students save an average of up to 2,000 rubles. it was also organized in a month, but at the expense of parental funds. we, uh, have a cleaning commission, which includes parents, students and representatives of the school, where u regularly consider the issues of catering for taste