insane value, right was this gawker media property. it was harshly critical of silicon valley and harshly of tiller did some things that i don't agree with. it outed him, which i think is not right. but it also criticized his financial acumen and his ability to make kind of rational decisions and that. and he didn't like that either. and so he put millions of dollars destroying gawker he funded all these different lawsuits including the hulk hogan lawsuit, which is the one that they then you shot the into in to florida and that's broke gawker that and then know once once the blood was in the water all these different lawsuits came out and then years later it comes out that thiel funded that lawsuit but also funded dozens of other lawsuits none of which caught hold and he to destroy gawker by doing this now i i just don't think that for somebody like teal who's billions of dollars a few million dollars does not matter to him that does that is a that's like pocket change really because it's not even like the millions of dollars as a perc