. >> that motion fails, with commissioners more, so gaya, and -- moore, sugaya, and olague voting agains. this requires a four votes to survive. that has not happened. do you have directions to staff on clarifying the eir? commissioner moore: move to continue. it is done. president miguel: could i have the project's sponsor please come up and give me an idea of what would be inappropriate time for the continuation? commissioner moore: it is not up to staff to make a motion. president miguel: we first have to be able to make the corrections that are necessary here. >> i think if you want to continue the item in the face of a deadlock of non-certification, you need to give a specific direction as to what is adequate. president miguel: i would assume the u.s. to answer those commissioners who commented on what they found to be inadequacies and try to answer those inadequacies and bring back a document that would be satisfactory to the two commissioners who spoke to inadequacies. >> i think that is true. i think it would be helpful if there are any other concerns, if they articulate here so