uh, i like to first ask our acting executive director, gayatri dagnino, to use the item . um, thank you, chair lee. i'm just going to set up our presentation here on the screen. um, hello, commissioners. um in the agenda, you will see a memo and a presentation that describes the upcoming budget process for our fiscal years. 25 and 26. so the period that is covered by fy 25 is july 1st of this year, 2024 through june 30th of 2025. and the period covering 20 fy 26 is july 1st of 2025. and through june 30th of 2026. so the city's uh, budgeting process is typically for uh, two years. um, so just to give you an overview of the general, um, timeline for the budget process, um, we received the budget instructions from the mayor's office in december. um, and the budget deadline submission is due february 21st. um before that deadline in a city, departments are required to, uh, get public input on their budget priorities and budget proposals. um, and the commission typically has conducted these, uh, hearings as a part of the regular commission meeting. so this meeting, this hearing