we're going to interrupt the program now because the russian foreign minister said gayla rob is in new york trying a un security council meeting. let's see what he has to say. but he would, he unscrews will be viewing the solar venezuela, vietnam, keep the india indian luxury, vicki or am cameron goulburg, canada, columbia. cuba waited with players really well. no malays, lebanon, malaysia, america, mexico, and pop back. if you could use him going to public a korea, singapore, this will be to syria for you. literally owning a tie labs from a tech man is down a turkey or at why the philippines is your peer and south africa shaped lot of this meetings that assertion is it, as opposed to super stood with the security council will now go to item 2 of the gender ability to pneumonia. i would like to have them yes. bring in the document. s slash 2023 slash mobiles to your for 2nd. figured out suit revenues of said go to 4th, let her bother to represent up of the russian federation of europe. date it was out of a prompt though she took him secretary general with us. luckily, when transmitting