. >> that's right, and if we want to sell yellowstone to gazprom, as long as it's an open auction, we're okay with it. i think this is crazy. this is completely nuts. >> well, and it's funny you make that example, right, sell yellowstone to gazprom because part of the problem here, you know, so much of this is behind the cloak of the corporate structure that they have, it is from the outside going to be very hard to penetrate and know exactly what's happening which is precisely why spicer's own standard is there's no way they're going to meet even the standard that spicer is laying out. >> yeah, that's a very good point, actually. they're not going to do that, either. he has decided, and i think he decided this in, you know, there's to reason why he shouldn't have decided this, when he was allowed to run for president without releasing his tax returns. there's nobody out there who can make me do anything. and there are limited things you can do -- there are limited vehicles for which you can make any president once he's sworn in do something. >> it's funny that you said king lear. i have