. >> can i get gca? 20 centimeters zenith? ok, hopper am a five centimeters. >> 20 centimeters. >> copy, 20 centimeters. in motion. >> i see good motion. >> copy. that's about 20. >> and that motion. >> this is mission control, houston, five hours, 50 minutes into today's spacewalk. the two crewmembers are now pressing ahead to mate a handful of electoral connections -- of electrical connection to the newly installed pump modules. the valves are open and some 35 pounds of ammonia have flowed into the new pump. that will set the stage for of the pumpheckouts module systems throughout the day by the thermal systems officer here in mission control but we will not actually get to the pressurization of the pump andugh a nitrogen system actual activation of the pump until this evening. that activity should be complete by about mid-evening central time. further updates following the completion of today's spacewalk will be provided through the web , updates on our main page,www.n asa.gov that will appear on the station website. basica