gcyc. he has worked in early childhood development. substance abuse prevention. they have expanded the range to include college access. substance abuse. youth employment and youth leadership. just to give you a sense of how many people are served there are over 8 thousand children from all /*eugt ethnic backgrounds. they help over 3 thousand youth to be the first to go to college. they put over 2 thousand youth a year to work through employment programs. we have to increase that to 20 thousand. his program as in many ways, revolutionized the way youth are employed in san francisco. the organization is often called upon by leaders and city government to implement now programs. they are established by governor mayor gavin newsom. but beyond all that john has accomplished, we honor him for isunselfish giving. many who are mom and pop organizations. a lot of time we find that community based organizations don't collaborate or coordinate. john has always opened up his doors. particularly those from immigrant communities. he has been a partner. he has been an individua