below the main terrace is a ge platformound. is a large ctgular form, over 70 mers lon platrm mounds e ry speal features. unlike a pyramid, a platform can be considered to be a raised stage on which performances, rituals, were carried out that could be viewed by the entire population. a large stone slab carved with an earth monster face with a hollow mouth sat on the northern edge of that platform mound, again where it was visible to the houses on all the terraces below. i can almost imagine a ritual with people moving through that open mouth of that carving. obregon: higher up the volcanic ss is a relief sculpture at t local pple call "el y," the king. like the thres ala venta, it shows the figure seated within a cave. grov above the cave are three trobed rn ouds. this is a fantastic rain and fertility scene up on the hillside. it's placed right beside the major drainage of rainwater runoff from the hillside. thhiside cvi seem to ben petions to ensure ertili for thpeopel onhe far weshe ths ry monent, which call the "flyinolme"