i'm pleased to be here and my report is on our desk as well as the geary brt projects as supervisor avalos mentioned we saw some action on the local and state levels at the federal level we're hoping that the congress and the president will come together with sustained funding for the high trust fund to be completed by august. we've seen proposals from the house to perhaps redirect influenced the postal service to look at offshore profits from corporations, however, the most pro tem solution that is the battalion proposal from the senate see to raise the tax by $0.12 for transportation and we're hoping that carries forward with other additional support from the administration and congress to avoid the last minute crisis we may face this summer in the highway trust fund is not replenished we've seen meetings we thank the board for hosting the revenue proposals meetings and the general obligation program supervisor avalos spoke about the robust discussions from the citizens and the stakeholder and community members and if those proceeds made it with board approval this fall. the active trans