department for the geary bus san francisco planning department rapid transit (brt) project for the geary bus environmental review phase, in an amount not to exceed $139,276, and to negotiate agreement payment terms and non-material agreement terms and conditions; and assigning the professional services contract with jacobs engineering group to circlepoint, increasing the amount of the contract by t not to exceed $4,409,489, for environmental analysis services for the geary brt project environmental impact report/statement, and authorizing the executive rapid transit (brt) project environmental review phase, in an amount not to exceed $139,276, and to negotiate agreement payment terms and non-material agreement terms an conditions; and assigning the professional services contract with jacobs engineering group t circlepoint, increasing the amount of the contract by $225,000, to a total amount not to exceed $4,409,489, for environmental analysis services for the geary brt project environmental impact report/statement, director to modify non-material contract terms and conditions - tatement