for more come i want to bring in media analyst geetha ranganathan from princeton. aiming to be all over the world. i think china is going to be the big question. .eetha: yes so china, as you said, betty, they are in 190 countries all over the world. up from 60 markets. of course, china is the big wildcard. big opportunity if they are able to get into china because it does have one third of the world's broadband. 200 million broadband households. it is a huge opportunity for them there. betty: will they be able to accomplish that this year? geetha: only time can tell, betty. ceo reed hastings says they are working with the government. this is a market that is very complex because of the regulatory environment. they are going to be very patient, very deliberate. this is a long-term strategic plan for the company. they said they are working, planning to get it done by the end of the year, but we will have to wait and watch. betty: ok, in the meantime, one thing we have noticed charting the stock is that it is a very volatile mover on earnings days. it goes up or down