could you comment on the geisel requirement of roughly a 3.5% which looks awaits. also the new build and has been put in the senate with mr. vitter and others that would require 15%? and again, congratulations on your service. >> thank you very much, congressman. in my first day as treasury secretary i have been putting an enormous amount of my time into stepping on the accelerator in the implementation. of implementation i went from my swearing in to a meeting of the financial stability oversight council and shared my first meeting within an hour of being sworn in. i have met with -- we have had three fsoc meetings and i've met in between that with many regulators independently. the role of the chairman is to keep the pressure on for action. i've made the case to them and publicly that we have to measure our progress in weeks and months and not years. we have to get to the end of implementing the regulations. it's important to stake a step back and remember one of the reasons for delay was that there was a political fight over repealing dodd-frank. we had an indus