announcement with regard to contract, the puc entered into a 4.5 year contract to purchase energy from the geisers. we're happy to also sort of enhance the local content of our power supply as we embark on the citywide enrollment effort. >> supervisor fewer: thank you. >> yeah, and i'll stop there, but i'm happy to answer any questions. >> supervisor fewer: thank you. any questions from colleagues? no? okay. seeing none, let's open this up for public comment. are there any members of the public who would like to comment on item number three? mr. brooks. >> just one minute. >> supervisor fewer: you can have two minutes. >> okay. eric brooks, san francisco green party, our party san francisco, and californians for energy choice. so the -- this looks pretty good. it's a -- i think it's a nice, short presentation. one thing that, you know, on slide five, the projections of us getting to all renewable and greenhouse free looks really good, but now, i want to start pushing the envelope again as a climate crisis activist that -- that that actually is good, but it's not where we're going to need to be by