let me turn to director gelbart for an operational update. >> thank you. d.c.'s director of emergency management agency. we are into 48 hours of snow clearing. we have gotten all of our major arterials in good shape but we still have to pick up the snow in the curb lanes. all of those that are trying to park 12 inches from the curb is not from a snow bank the rule. it is 12 inches from the curb. do not park in front of the snow banks that are along the side of our major routes. we need the public's help with that. as the mayor said, all of our major arterials are looking good. we have teams out saturating the sectors within the snow zones and if you have a question on where your snow zone is, you can dc.gov.now. we are targeting areas where we have not spent a lot of time in or that have more snow in them. we are setting our strike teams out today. some of them were out last night in the areas really getting down into the residential's and getting those cleared out. that operation will continue through today and tonight. we are monitoring progress every two hour