gen. dunford: the center of gravity for eiffel? >> yes, sir. gen. unford: the center of gravity for isil, the ability to erode their narrative, and the manpower, the three primary sources of strength that they have. ensure that isil does not have the capability to .evelop external operations >> you feel it we are going after those factors? we are going after their critical capability, the existence of the caliphate, and when i talk about foreign fighters, we are keeping them from having the manpower necessary to fight. >> i understand. we talked about the coalition and we mentioned before we have 60-some nations as part of the coalition. britain has been part of the coalition. the 60 nations, i imagine some of them may be contributing a box of pencils or something because we do not hear much about what they are doing. do you feel like we are doing enough diplomatically to get in this battle of good versus evil we are engaged in? >> we need more contributions. you're right. it's good to have political support. just about everyone in the world recogniz