gen. dunford: i'll -- i'll -- mr. manchin: what are you -- gen. dunford: we are aiming at -- mr. manchin: i know what you are aiming at, what i'm asking, hat will it take to do the job? gen. dunford: that is the number we are shooting at, and i hundred 80,000 and anything ess than that is inadequate. the general of the armys, their priorities are in fact about readiness and that is the principal thing that's the eneral and i have focused on in the army. and bringing a total army back to levels of readiness that are necessary. if i can loop back to your special forces point, also, senator, we have a lot more than 300 special forces. not like we have to make these people. we're sending them there. we have tens of thousands of special forces. excellent people, yes, exquisitely trained people. it's not like we don't have them to apply to syria. we're applying them in the number and manner that makes sense at this moment. let me ask the chairman if he wants to add to those questions. gen. dunford: right now in this budget year i was more concerned with the capability of the force than