gen. masayuki hironaka and come back to gen. kiyofumi iwata. >> as i said earlier, is the beginning of the self-defense forces, we have had quite an abrupt difference from the imperial army. we have had a very close cooperation with the united states. also we have had our tactics, our technology and the support in all these areas. our self-defense forces function as a defense force of a democratic country and we have one block from the united states in that regard. the united states really helped us to build up our forces and i think that we need to think from here on out what it is that we can do to have joint planning with the united states. a better planning with our wonderful friends in the united states. that is the most important thing that we need to think about. >> let me talk a little bit more in abstract terms. unfortunately this will be a little bit abstract. i think one thing we need to do is make sure that we are aware of the situation, have a good take on the situation. we, there have been huge changes in the inter