arganizava ensemble is a graduate of the grodno music school, studying clarinet, genats litynski.geta. was finishing, he was there, i was on the first, he was on the fourth, he had his own band, a male musical composition, so he played there on clarinet, i have always admired this musician, because firstly, he is handsome, and secondly, he has a beautiful girlfriend, they studied together on the same course, mayakovsky people. holektar palace of culture textiles viktar filipchyk, this menavita pit is tied to your enchantress, what was the primordial life: yana, one might say, has never left, where is my husband, barys bela, and for a long time i work on the holes of the getag kalektyvu and the tax becomes a frequent problem. enchantress. it wasn't easy for me at first, until, until we we settled down until we became one family, it was hard, of course, very hard, there was a lot of whims there initially, but when they recognized me. for the charmer, they entered the republican television competition of samadze ensembles and salists, singing a song in the spring of 1973. they became